Monday, April 4, 2011

Conference Photos!

Hey everybody!

The Second Annual Feminist Action Project Conference was a huge success!  Loretta Ross and Marianne Kirby were AWESOME!  They gave some incredible speeches, shedding light on new issues or issues we have never considered in that light before.  Thank you so much to all of our presenters, our sponsors, donors, and especially our guests for making this conference an unforgettable event!

Now for a few photos!

60 people sitting in a conference room facing Marianne Kirby as she speaks

Closer shot of Marianne Kirby laughing and facing the audience
 Marianne Kirby's Talk
Posters of Gloria Anzaldúa, Dolores Huerta, and Betty Dodson propped on a table
 Signs from Feminist Action Project's earlier action about women's representation on UT campus statues
In front of a stage curtain: two students standing and speaking and Loretta Ross sitting at a table
 Introducing Loretta Ross
In front of the School of Social Work: close shot of twelve committee members wearing white shirts with the conference logo

Another shot of the same group from farther away, everyone celebrating
 Feminist Action Project 2011 organizing committee